Monthly Archives: May 2017

WannaCry and XP

Microsoft stopped the support for XP, but for WannaCry attack they made exclusion:


If you have too many XP as a pos stations you can use registry hack to enable again Windows Update for extra 5 years.


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If you need temporary VPS hosting (for testing, for development and so on)

Sometimes temporary, moreover free VPS hosing for 1 year is great and generous opportunity. Usually it’s very handy for testing (for example to install linux, configure lamp, wordpress, 2fa, freeSSL, plugins and so on ), web development, personal blogs, short-term projects like election events and so on.

Amazon Web service suggests it for whole 1 year. Just be VERY careful to not trespass limits of free tier (for example AWS automatically has done EBS snapshots during import of my vmware ova to AWS AMI and later on to free tier instance — although 09 cents were generously forgiven by AWS … Read the rest

Free ComodoSSL, free “Let’s encrypt” certificates

Strange that the main national domain registrar ( yet don’t use SSL for own management console. Mobinet, national cloud provider even don’t have DNS registration for own services asking to create hosts file records for Mobinet who resells Comodo SSL doesn’t have valid SSL for (and looks like self-signed SSL is created to conflict with vmware cert namespace).

SSL providers suggest DNS (email) validation for certificate CSR, so vulnerable web DNS manager (not protected by SSL) can compromise issued SSL certs and finally web sites with online banking, payment systems and so on. I suggest for

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