IT training for 4 days. There are 2-3 vacancies, 50% discount.

Please contact with me, if you are interested in that seminar by 99540206 or thru following link

Agenda of seminar

Date: 08.10.2014

Subject: Active Directory essentials, Virtualization, WDS/WSUS

Venue: Suite 601, UJM office, Peace avenue-36, Chingeltei district, 3th khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Presenter and author: B.Munkhtuvshin

Language: Mongolian

Organizer: Geomon Engineering LLC

First day

Subject: Common questions, installation, configurations

  1. 9.00-9.45IntroductionWhy Active Directory/AD
  2. Pre-history
  3. For whom, how to convince management to implement AD, the main obvious benefits of AD implementation
  4. What is AD for system administration, network admin, for IT manager, business owners
  5. 9.45-10.15The main definitions and termsforest, tree,
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