Enable powershell on remote computer without AD, but with known credentials and no intermediate firewall blocking
if you can use psexec to remote computer:
- psexec \\dt-01 cmd
- hostname
- powershell
- Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Now you can use from own computer:
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName dt-01… Read the rest
Powershell, prerequisites 1
- run powershell
- get-executionpolicy
- set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- get-psversion (for version =3) or get-host| select-object version
- update powershell
My way of tracking, controlling, administrating the zone changes on FC SAN switches
I use following Excel files (idea is not mine surely)
- To simplify and reduce number of mistypes during creation of FC zones
- to have log of all entered commands of FC zones changes

How to remove from text unnecessary empty lines in Notepad++
Go to menu, Edit, Line operations, Remove empty lines (Containing Blank Characters)… Read the rest
How to extract only one column of text in Notepad++
Press Alt-Shift and select by mouse needed column of text
In the same way you can easily indent block of text, in other words hold pressing alt-shift and select empty first columt for several lines and press tab or several times blank space or needed symbol to insert.… Read the rest
Notepad++ and numbering bullets
- select text
- press Alt-C, select “text to insert”
- insert dot symbol
- again select text
- press Alt-C
- now select “number to insert” from 1 with step 1
How do I add a text at the end of every line in Notepad++?
- Menu “Search” “Replace” (or Ctrl + H)
- Set “Find what” to \r\n
- Set “Replace with” to [text]\r\n
- Enable “Regular expression” or “Extended”
- Click “Replace All”
how to create bootable usb flash drive for windows 10 on modern computer with UEFI
- download rufus tool
- prepare iso file with win10
- prepare usb flash drive >= 4GB
- insert usb flash drive into computer
- run rufus as administrator
- mandatory to select FAT32
- mandatory to select : Under “Partition scheme and target system type,” select the GPT partition scheme for UEFI option from the drop-down menu.
Optimize and save on provisioned storage space in virtualized environment
Before i often over-provisioned the needed storage for VM.
For example for AWS and other cloud services it’s common place to be charged per gigabytes of used EBS and similar storages (for Mongolian iTools, Mobicom and others usually you are charged by subscription plans so it’s unavoidable to pay for not used disk space). Generally it’s not recommended to provision storage space more than necessary. Surely it’s OK to have a reasonable free space for your VMs, but not too much (for example it’s still very common to see created VM which utilize only 3-5% of huge vmdk/AWS EBS and … Read the rest